We are all just walking each other home. -Ram Dass

I walk with you.  We get things done together. 

My way is optimistic. We can find a good way forward.

I believe everyone is doing their best, in every moment with what they have. 

So I don’t judge; I seek to understand. 

And from that space, life’s challenging transitions open up, and the way becomes easier.

How I Work

You can choose a level of service that feels right for you. And we can change the level for different times or different tasks.

If you choose the Consulting level of service, I will meet with you as needed in person, over the phone, or on Zoom to recommend a timeline for you to complete each task and help you overcome obstacles that may arise. This level of service provides the minimum amount of support, and is the most affordable. Choose this level if you are comfortable completing most of the tasks yourself, you want guidance on what to do and how to do it, and you want someone to turn to if things become challenging.

Choose a partner level of service if you would like me to work with you, side-by-side to identify and complete any or all of the tasks. Choose this level of service if you want to be involved in the tasks of passing on. Doing the work yourself can help you grieve the loss by knowing that you are doing right by the person you lost. With me at your side, you can gain the benefits of grieving through completing the tasks without becoming overwhelmed by the number of tasks and level of detail and expertise required. This level of service also allows for the maximum level of personal support as we work side-by-side completing the tasks.

Choose the Agent level of service if you’d like me to complete the tasks for you. This level of service involves the least amount of work on your part, and allows you to continue with your life with the least amount of disruption, while I work as your agent.

You can opt to change the level of your service at any time.

Legal Advice

Readers of this website should contact their attorney to obtain advice with respect to any particular legal matter. The Passing On can work with your attorney, but we can’t provide legal advice.


The Passing On charges an hourly rate between $50 and $100 per hour, based on the complexity of the tasks involved. Alternatively, I offer monthly rates for clients with longer transitions. At our first meeting we’ll explore the nature of your situation and provide an estimate for the services to be provided. There is no charge for the first meeting.
